Job Opening at the Foundation
Posted 2011-03-08
The FreedomBox Foundation is taking steps to put this project firmly on its feet. Step One is fostering the community conversation that will steer this project to success. Toward that end, we're hiring a community relations facilitator. Please make sure this ad reaches the right people.
The FreedomBox Foundation seeks a motivated, talented, freedom-obsessed individual to facilitate community and press relations for the FreedomBox project. Responsibilities will include coordinating public and press outreach, organizing project events, managing our social networking presences, and consistent messaging.
Prior experience in community relations, journalism, or PR is great, especially in the free software community. Previous experience with social media is strongly preferred and we encourage you to submit profile or other account names so we can see your previous work in the medium and your facility with the current tools. If the FreedomBox is the most important thing you want to be doing with your time right now, you are the person we want to talk to.
To maximize efficiency and financial resources, a successful candidate will work with (and be paid by) both the FreedomBox Foundation and the Software Freedom Law Center.
Please send resumes in an open file format (plain text preferred) to Salary will depend on experience and time commitment.